Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Day 33: Radiohead - The Bends

I have been stressing out about having to write a review of this album. You see, I love a lot of different music and a lot of different bands, but there are only 3 bands that I put on a pedestal over and above all others; Blue October, The Cure, and Radiohead. To me these three bands are pure genius. For that reason I don't feel, as a mere mortal, like I have the ability to describe Radiohead albums to others.
Radiohead is a very polarizing band. Most people that I have talked to either LOVE or HATE Radiohead, there doesn't seem to be a lot of middle ground. That is because you can't be a casual listener of their music, you have to be actively involved in it. Thom York and the band put so many subtleties and intricacies into their songs that it requires effort to appreciate their music. But once you do, it is pure heaven.
The Bends, in my opinion, is the best of the Radiohead albums and comes as close to perfect as I think any album can come, with most of their other albums right there with it. The worst song on the album, and for that matter the worst Radiohead song, is still better than any other artist could ever dream of making, with the exception of Robert Smith I guess.
If you love music, you need to have this album, and really listen to it, to discover how in depth and amazing it really is. 5/5

I'm tempted to put a video up for each song of the album but that would be just silly, so I'll limit myself to three. :) Enjoy!


  1. You write the best reviews, I think you are missing your calling :) no one knows more about music than you do. I've actually listened to some of the albums that you raved about, broadened my musical horizons......thank you.

  2. AGREED !! I have often said The Bends is my all time favorite album .. followed by immediate guilt and confusion over where that leaves The Cure, my all time favorite band, and specifically, Disintegration...I've decided not to decide .
    You're right though , this album is a MUST hear !
