Wednesday, June 8, 2011

New Music Tuesday: Depeche Mode - Remixes 2: 84 - 11

One of THE best things about growing up in the 80s is that, whenever a 80s band would release a new single from their album, they would also release a CD single for the single. This would contain the original version of the single, various remixes of the single and one or two b-sides. I ate this up. I would go to The Attic (R.I.P), the best record store in Calgary, weekly to see what new singles had come out. The ability to "collect" different remixes of songs and the rarer b-sides is what I lived for. It was seriously my favorite part of music. Sure I loved when a whole new album from an artist that I loved came out, but it was all the extras that I wanted. Unfortunately, this practice of releasing CD singles has pretty much disappeared.
Depeche Mode is one of the few bands that still sees the value in this. In fact the few bands that still do it are bands that were huge in the 80s. Yesterday DM released a second collection of remixes of their hits. A 3 CD set, it contains 36 remixes in total. A couple of them previously available on CD singles, but the majority are brand new remixes. After one complete listen I was pretty impressed. All of the remixes are very well done and it covers the whole range of their career, including a couple songs that I have never heard remixed. The only thing that was missing was the inclusion of a new song to keep fans satisfied till the next new album comes out. 5/5

Behind the wheel (Vince Clarke Remix) - some of you may not know but Vince was a member of Depeche Mode on their very 1st album. He left after and formed the band Yaz, with Allison Moyet, and  eventually became the keyboardist for Erasure.

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