Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Day 71: ZZ Top - Eliminator

I'm not a huge fan of the boys of ZZ Top, but I do enjoy some of the songs that they have put out over the years. What this band does have going for it though is two things. One, they make good old rock and roll, and Eliminator is a perfect example of that. It is track after track of basic, cut to the bones rock. Nothing fancy, nothing over the top, just infectious tunes that make you want to rock out. Secondly, these guys have the corner on cool. The long beards, that they apparently haven't cut since they were teens, the sunglasses, the fuzzy rotating guitars, the cool cars and the girls, these guys got it all, and it's a good thing cause they ain't good looking and they aren't the best singers in the world.
I had already heard the hits from the album, "Legs", "Gimme All Your Lovin" and "Sharp Dressed Man" but had never listened to the rest of the album. It was about what I expected. Most of the songs sounded similar and followed the same basic rock formula, but that's all I needed out of the album. It was just fun to crank it up and rock out. 4/5

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