For me I can remember 2 distinct things relating to music as a child. First, from probably around the age of 7 or so I loved the band KISS. I have a hard time remembering if it was there music as much as it was the band themselves. Their make-up and costumes and stage show, to a kid, were freaking amazing!. The second was a bit later on. As I got a bit older, and started to listen to the radio, I definitely started to develop my own musical tastes. One day, however, I heard "Billie Jean" on the radio for the first time, and it literally changed how I thought of music. Until then I liked different songs but "Billie Jean" blew me away! I distinctively remember, for the first time, feeling an emotional connection to music, something that I have had ever since. I had to get the album Thriller, and from start to finish I loved every single second of it. It is, even now listening to it again, an amazing album. One of, if not the best album, ever released. Regardless of what anyone says Michael Jackson may or may not have done, or regardless of all his weirdness he was a special talent that the world will probably never see the likes of again.
He had the best music videos:
"Billie Jean"
"Beat It"
"Thriller" - Full version. Nobody had done something like this before.
Tomorrow's Album #631 Public Enemy - It Takes a Nation of Millions to Hold Us Back
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