Thursday, January 31, 2019

#663 A Tribe Called Quest - People's Instinctive Travels and the Paths of Rhythm

The groups debut album, I liked it about the same as their other album that is on the list. Once again it is some pretty decent, non-offensive, laid back rap/hip-hop. Nothing I would ever listen to again, but worth one listen at least.

"Can I Kick It?"

Tomorrow's Album #685 The La's - The La's

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

#726 Sugar - Copper Blue

This band reminded me of Collective Soul, another band that I really like. So sounding like them was not a bad thing at all. I liked the album quite a bit actually. It was good on all aspects and pretty entertaining.

"The Slim" - a song about loosing someone to AIDS

Tomorrow's Album #663 A Tribe Called Quest - People's Instinctive Travels and the Paths of Rhythm

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

#79 Buffalo Springfield - Buffalo Springfield Again

I've decided that I pretty much like anything that Neil Young is or has been involved with. I had no idea that he had been in this band but I could tell as soon as I listened to this album, since his voice is pretty unique. I can't say that it is as good as any of the solo albums of his that I have listened to, but it was pretty enjoyable.

"Expecting to Fly"

Tomorrow's Album #726 Sugar - Copper Blue

Monday, January 28, 2019

#1059 - Kanye West - Yeezus

No clean version, thankfully.

Tomorrow's Album #79 Buffalo Springfield - Buffalo Springfield Again

Sunday, January 27, 2019

#509 Orange Juice - Rip it Up

Orange Juice is a Scottish post-punk band that formed in 1979. They kind of reminded me a  bit of a band called The Blow Monkeys mixed with a little bit of Morrisey. Which should be good, but it really wasn't.

"Rip it Up"

Tomorrow's Album #1059 - Kanye West - Yeezus

Saturday, January 26, 2019

#155 Led Zeppelin - Led Zeppelin II

Another great album by the band. I had heard about half of the songs previously, all of which are classic hits of the band, but the other half of the songs were just as good. Truly a great album from start to finish and one of the all time classics.

"Whole Lotta Love"

Tomorrow's Album #509 Orange Juice - Rip it Up

Friday, January 25, 2019

#257 Paul Simon - Paul Simon

This is Paul Simon's second solo album since splitting up with Art Garfunkel. I wasn't quite sure what to expect other than I expected it to be an album of folk music, which is pretty much what it was. Which for me was not all that good. Too slow and boring, nothing really stood out on the album.

"Mother and Child Reunion"

Tomorrow's Album #155 Led Zeppelin - Led Zeppelin II

Thursday, January 24, 2019

#263 T Rex - The Slider

I just listened to my first T Rex album a few weeks ago so I remember it pretty well. This one was a bit of a let down comparatively so. It was less rock, less hard hitting. It is the follow up album to the last one, and a lot if times bands will do things a bit different album to album but this was a step backwards in my opinion.

"Metal Guru"

Tomorrow's Album #257 Paul Simon - Paul Simon

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

#465 Peter Gabriel - Peter Gabriel (III)

Peter Gabriel's third solo album, I have reviewed his first, which is known as "Car" since it has no title, in the past, and really liked it. It was kind of a mellow album, but this one, which is known as "Melt", also because it had no title, is much more upbeat and was really really good. I loved the instrumentation of the album, it was very original, and just grabbed you as you listened to it. I really like how the style of the music varied somewhat between the songs, it kept things interesting. Overall a great album and worth a listen.

"Intruder" - great drums by Phil Collins on this one

"Games without Frontiers"

Tomorrow's Album #263 T Rex - The Slider

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

#237 Yes - Fragile

Another Yes album, and another long, grueling album to try and get through. Luckily it was a bit shorter than the others but still had a couple songs that were 8+ minutes long, which is too long in my opinion.


Tomorrow's Album #465 Peter Gabriel - Peter Gabriel (III)

Monday, January 21, 2019

#146 Elvis Prestley - From Elvis in Memphis

Only the second Elvis album so far. I am surprised by that. I assume that means that there will be a few more coming up in a relatively short period, as I think I have listened to about 800 albums so far.
This was Elvis' 10th album in his first 13 years, a pretty good pace for any artist, but also pretty common for artists in the 50's and 60's. I have mentioned in the past that I'm not a fan of his music, and I thought that this album was just o.k. It had more of a country sound to it, which surprised me, and which probably is the reason for the album title. I felt that it was just average, however it does have one of the greatest songs every written on it, Suspicious Minds. An Absolute master piece of a song.

"Suspicious Minds"

Tomorrow's Album #237 Yes - Fragile

Sunday, January 20, 2019

#503 Grandmaster Flash & the Furious Five - The Message

Back when I was about 12 or 13 I had an uncle who, at the time I thought was really awesome. We would hang out a lot when I would go to Toronto for the summer. He had a huge Ghetto Blaster, just like the one on this album cover, and we would hang outside of my grandparents house and listen to exactly this type of music. I loved it. We would listen to all this old school hip hop and break dancing music. I thought it was the greatest time ever. I don't know if we listened to this album but it defines the type of hip hop that I like. The old school beats and record scratching, It is just so awesome.

"The Message"

Tomorrow's Album #146 Elvis Prestley - From Elvis in Memphis

Saturday, January 19, 2019

#395 Big Star - Third

There is an interesting story behind this album. The band recorded and released two albums that did not far well and were not that good. This album was finish in 1975 the record company again didn't think it was that good and the band wasn't all that interested in the project moving forward so it was shelved. Fast forward to 1978 and a different record company got the masters and decided to release it. It went on to become a cult classic. I personally agree with the original record company and couldn't care less if it had never been released.


Tomorrow's Album #503 Grandmaster Flash & the Furious Five - The Message

Friday, January 18, 2019

#650 Jungle Brothers - Done by the Forces of Nature

The second album by the rap group, I really liked it. Released in 1989 it has more of a old school rap sound to it. I was impressed that they make their music with out feeling the need to infuse it with explicit lyrics or rapping about violence or degrading women. They kind of remind me of a mix of P.M Dawn and Digital Underground, both of which I like.

"Doin' Our Own Dang"

Tomorrow's Album #395 Big Star - Third/Sister Lovers

Thursday, January 17, 2019

#761 Elvis Costello - Brutal Youth

A reprieve from bad albums. I have mentioned before that I never really listened to Elvis Costello but I have grown to really like his music. It is so quirky and enjoyable. Not the greatest singer, but not terrible, he sucks you in by just making music that is fun to listen to.

"13 Steps Lead Down"

Tomorrow's Album #650 Jungle Brothers - Done by the Forces of Nature

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

#748 Sebadoh - Bubble and Scrape

Multiple days in a row of albums that I don't really like, or are especially hard to get through, gets old. With each album it makes it seem like they last longer and longer. It is worse when the albums are like this one and are slow and boring.

"Soul and Fire"

Tomorrow's Album #761 Elvis Costello - Brutal Youth

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

#302 10cc - Sheet Music

So the band has a song on this album called "The Worst Band in the World". I've heard worse bands but they gave it a valiant effort to earn the title.

"The Worst Band in the World"

Tomorrow's Album #748 Sebadoh - Bubble and Scrape

Monday, January 14, 2019

#202 The Who - Live at Leeds

Not available on Apple Music

Tomorrow's Album #302 10cc - Sheet Music

Sunday, January 13, 2019

#304 Bob Dylan - Blood on the Tracks

Once again good song writing, but the same bad singing. Hoping this is the last Bob Dylan album that I have to wade through.

"Tangled Up in Blue"

Tomorrow's Album #202 The Who - Live at Leeds

Saturday, January 12, 2019

#355 David Bowie - Station to Station

Another David Bowie album, we have got to be coming to the end of his albums on the list. I'll maybe take a look and see who had the most albums in the 1001, but my guess is he is pretty close to the top if not #1. I really liked this album. I feel like, even though I haven't listened to them in chronological order, the last couple have been really good.

"Golden Years" - actually a really terrible lip sync performance

Tomorrow's Album #304 Bob Dylan - Blood on the Tracks

Friday, January 11, 2019

#874 Lucinda Williams - Car Wheel on a Gravel Road

This is one of the worst country albums I have had to listen to so far. She is trying to be like Sheryl Crow, but doesn't pull it off not even close to as well. Her vocals are lacking and makes the album hard to listen to.

"Car Wheels on a Gravel Road"

Tomorrow's Album #355 David Bowie - Station to Station

Thursday, January 10, 2019

#1036 Grizzly Bear - Veckatimest

I didn't like this album much. It is folk-rock, which is not my favorite genre. I usually find it too slow and boring. The best thing about this album as far as I can tell, for them, is it got the band the opportunity to open for Radiohead on tour, which is huge.


Tomorrow's Album #874 Lucinda Williams - Car Wheel on a Gravel Road

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

#646 Faith No More - The Real Thing

The first, and only Faith No More Album on the list. Which is too bad because I love this band. I remember when this album came out and I heard the song "Epic". I was blown away by it. At the time I had kind of got away from listening to metal because of the friends that I had at the time listened to dance music or club music and a lot of R&B. So taking a change on this album at the time was really a change to what I was listening to, but I am so glad I did. The whole album is amazing and then there is all the bands following albums, which are also all amazing. One of my favorite all time albums and all time favorite bands.

"From Out of Nowhere"


"Falling to Pieces"

"Zombie Eaters"

"Edge of the World"

Tomorrow's Album #1036 Grizzly Bear - Veckatimest

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

#320 Robert Wyatt - Rock Bottom

The second album by this guy and I still hate his music. This experimental rock thing does not work for me. The songs don't flow very well and are just not very good.


Tomorrow's Album #646 Faith No More - The Real Thing

Monday, January 7, 2019

#66 Paul Revere & The Raiders - Midnight Ride

This was a really good mid-60's rock album. I liked it because it was just straight forward rock, instead of, like most bands of the 60's, trying to add in the psychedelic element to the music, which ruins it for me, and the band originates from Boise Idaho, which is the first time I've see a band on here from Idaho.


Tomorrow's Album #320 Robert Wyatt - Rock Bottom

Sunday, January 6, 2019

#947 Christina Aguilera - Stripped

I've set it before and I'll say it again, Christina Aguilera might have the best female voice I have ever heard. It is quite literally amazing. The range that she has and the notes that she hits is just incredible. For that reason alone the album is good. I'm not a huge fan of this style of music and it isn't anything that I would ever listen to by choice, but I can see why she has tons of fans, she is super talented.

Tomorrow's Album #66 Paul Revere & The Raiders - Midnight Ride

Saturday, January 5, 2019

#648 Janet Jackson - Rhythm Nation

I had forgot how huge this album was until I listened to it again. it spawned a record setting seven top 5 hit singles, with 4 of them hitting number 1 on the Billboard charts. Overall the album sold 12 million copies worldwide. Very few artists can claim that. The album deserves the accolades for sure. It is really good. The songs touch on a lot of political issues of the day and are really well written, and there is no arguing that Janet, like most all of her family, can really sing.

"Miss You Much"



"Love Will Never Do (Without You)"

Tomorrow's Album #947 Christina Aguilera - Stripped

Friday, January 4, 2019

#474 The Specials - More Specials

The band's second album, it was about the same as their debut, which I actually got in to. Again the lyrics and the vocals were not amazing, but the Ska sound was pretty infectious. Just a easy listening, fun album.

"Do Nothing"

Tomorrow's Album #648 Janet Jackson - Rhythm Nation

Thursday, January 3, 2019

#686 The Shamen - En-tact

A Scottish electronic/rock band this might be one of the best electronic albums that I have heard on the list so far. The songs were were really good. The didn't all sound the same, which had been my complaint with other electronic albums, and therefore I didn't get bored listening to it.Well done.

"Move an Mountain"

Tomorrow's Album #474 The Specials - More Specials

Wednesday, January 2, 2019