Wednesday, October 10, 2018

#948 Coldplay - A Rush of Blood to the Head

The first Coldplay song that I ever heard was "Yellow" off of their Parachutes album, and I hated the song. It wasn't until this album came out and I loved it that I went back and re-listened to Parachutes that I came to appreciate it. This album, in my mind is a masterpiece and is one of my all time favourite albums. Every song on it is amazing. The music is probably my favorite part, including all of the piano work on the songs. Lyrically it is also really good. The weakest part, in my opinion, is actually Chris Martin's voice. His is a great singer, don't get me wrong, but there are times when it is a bit rough. But it is good enough that it doesn't distract from any part of the album and he actually becomes a better singer on later albums, although, unfortunately, that is when the overall quality of their albums starts to slip.
This is the best, most complete album that they have released.

"In My Place"

"The Scientist"


"God Put a Smile Upon Your Face"

Tomorrow's Album #613 American Music Club - California

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